José Sericano

- Determination, impact and fate of trace organic contaminants in the environment.
- Biomonitoring of environmental contaminants.
- Biomarkers of environmental contamination.
- Development of analytical techniques for the analysis of trace organic contaminants.
- Participation in Quality control/quality assurance and intercalibration programs.
- Teaching and training activities.
Selected Publications
- Wade, T. L., S. T. Sweet, J. N. Walpert, J. L. Sericano, J. J. Singer, and N. L. Guinasso Jr. (2011), Evaluation of possible inputs of oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill to the Loop Current and associated eddies in the Gulf of Mexico, in Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Record-Breaking Enterprise, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 195, edited by Y. Liu et al., pp. 83–90, AGU, Washington, D. C., doi:10.1029/2011GM001095.
- Sericano, J.L. (2000) The “Mussel Watch” approach and its applicability to Global Chemical Contamination Monitoring Programs. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 13, 340-350.
- Mora, M.A., Laack, L.L., Lee, M.C., Sericano, J., Presley, R., Gardinali, P.R., Gamble, L.R., Robertson, S., Frank, D. (2000) Environmental contaminants in blood, hair, and tissues of ocelots from the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, 1986-98. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 64, 477-492.
- Wainwright, S.E., Mora, M.A., Sericano, J.L., Thomas, P. (2001) Chlorinated hydrocarbons and biomarkers of exposure in wading birds and fish of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 40, 101-111.
- Frank, D.S., Mora., M.A., Sericano, J.L., Blankenship, A.L., Kannan, K., Giesy, J.P. (2001) Persistent organochlorine pollutants in eggs of colonial waterbirds from Galveston Bay and East Texas, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 20, 608-617.
- Sericano, J.L., Brooks, J.M., Champ, M.A., Kennicutt II, M.C., Makeyev, V.V. (2001) Trace contaminant concentrations in the Kara Sea and its adjacent rivers, Russia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42, 1017-1030.
- Montone, R.C., Taniguchi, S., Sericano, J., Weber, R.R., Lara, W.H. (2001) Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in Antarctic macroalgae Desmarestia sp. The Science of the Total Environment, 277, 181-186.
- Qian, Y., Wade, T.L., Sericano, J.L. (2001) Sources and bioavailability of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in Galveston Bay, TX. Estuaries, 24, 817-827.
- Hwang, H., Wade, T.L., Sericano, J.L. (2002) Relationship between lysosomal membrane destabilization and chemical body burden in eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) from Galveston Bay, Texas. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 21, 1268-1271.
- Hwang, H., Wade, T.L, Sericano, J.L. (2003) Concentration and source characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in pine needles from Korea, Mexico and the United States. Atmospheric Environment, 37, 2259-2267.
- Janiot, L.J., Sericano, J.L., Marcucci, O. (2003). Evidence of oil leakage from the Bahía Paraíso wreck in Arthur Harbour, Antarctica. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46, 1615-1629.
- Gardinali, P.R., Sericano, J.L., Wade, T.L. (2004) Uptake and depuration of toxic aromatic halogenated hydrocarbons by the American Oyster (Crassostrea virginica): A field study. Chemosphere, 54, 61-70.
- Hwang, H., Wade, T.L, Sericano, J.L. (2004) Destabilized lysosomes and elimination of polycyclic aromatic hidrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23, 1991-1995.
- Oros, D.R., Hoover, D., Rodigari, F., Crane, D., Sericano, J. (2005) Levels and distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ehers in water, surface sediments, and bivalves from the San Francisco Estuary. Environmental Science and Toxicology, 39, 33-41.
- Hung, C-C., Gong G-C., Jiann K-T., Yeager K.M., Santschi P.S, Wade T.L., Sericano J.L. and Hsieh H-L. (2006) Relationship between carbonaceous materials and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the sediments of the Danshui River and adjacent coastal areas, Taiwan. Chemosphere, 65, 1452-1461.
- Hung, C-C., Gong G-C., Chen, H-Y., Hsieh H-L, Santschi P.S, Wade T.L. and Sericano J.L. (2007) Relationships between pesticides and organic fractions in sediments of the Danshui River estuary and adjacent coastal areas, Taiwan. Environmental Pollution, 148, 546-554.
Additional Information
Experience - Research and Development
- Member of the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), 2007-present
- Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 2005-present
- Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography, 2005-present
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, 2001-present
- Associate Research Scientist, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, Texas A&M University, 1999-present
- Member of the Graduate Faculty at Texas A&M University, 1998-present
- Member of the Advisory Board for the application for an Amendment to the Renewal License to Offer a Ph.D. Degree in Applied Chemistry with Majors in Biophysical, Environmental Chemistry, and Chemistry of Materials, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Campus, Puerto Rico, 2003
- Member of the Steering Committee for the APEC Marine Environmental Training and Education Center, South Sea Institute, South Korea, 2003-2004
- Member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1997-1999
- Assistant Research Scientist, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, Texas A&M University, 1996-1999
- Research Associate, College Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, Texas A&M University, 1996-1996
- Research Assistant, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, Texas A&M University, 1989-1993
- Graduate Assistant Research, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, Texas A&M University, 1985-1989
- Research Assistant, Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (IADO), Argentina, 1978-1984
Experience - Training and Education (since 2000)
- Invited lecturer at the “Analytical Chemistry of [legacy] Agrochemicals in Environmental Safety” Training Course, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)/Korean Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), South Sea Institute, Geoje Island, South Korea (October 15-26, 2007)
- Invited lecturer at the “Regional Training Course on the Use of Nuclear Techniques to Address the Management Problems of Coastal Zones in the Caribbean Region”, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Cienfuegos, Cuba, 10-21 September, 2007
- Invited Expert for the “Regional Workshop on ROPME Mussel Watch Programme”, Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME), Islamic Republic of Iran (26-29 May 2007)
- Instructor at the “National Training Course on the Analysis of Chlorinated Organic Contaminants and Sterols”, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME) Doha, Qatar (April 15-26, 2007)
- Instructor at the “Monitoring Project and Control of the Coastal Marine Contamination in the Southeastern Pacific Workshop”, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Instituto de Investigaciones Avanzadas y Servicios de Alta Tecnología (INDICASAT ), Panama City, Panama (September 27-October 8, 2004)
- Instructor at the "Protection of the Marine Environment from land-based Sources of Pollution: Persistent Organic Pollutants" Training Course, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)/Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)/Korean Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), South Sea Institute, Geoje Island, South Korea. (June 13-July 3, 2004)
- Invited participant to the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility (STAP/GEF) Workshop on the Use of Bioindicators, Biomarkers, and Analytical Methods for the Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Developing Countries, Tsukuba, Japan (December 10-12, 2003).
- Invited Expert to the UNEP Consultation to develop a Guidance Document for a Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) to support the effective evaluation of the Stockholm Convention, Geneva, Switzerland (October 6-7, 2003; May 10-11, 2004)
- Instructor at the "Protection of the Marine Environment from land-based Sources of Pollution: Sewage" Training Course, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)/Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)/Korean Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Seoul, South Korea. (October 15-November 2, 2001)
- Instructor at the "POPs in the Marine Environment: Analysis, Bioaccumulation and Toxicity." Training Course, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)/Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)/Korean Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Seoul, South Korea. (November 10-27, 2000)