Norman Guinasso

- Physical oceanography
- Marine geochemistry
- Sedimentology
Selected Publications
- Wade, T. L., S. T. Sweet, J. N. Walpert, J. L. Sericano, J. J. Singer, and N. L. Guinasso Jr. (2011), Evaluation of possible inputs of oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill to the Loop Current and associated eddies in the Gulf of Mexico, in Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Record-Breaking Enterprise, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 195, edited by Y. Liu et al., pp. 83–90, AGU, Washington, D. C., doi:10.1029/2011GM001095.
- Diercks, A. R., R. C. Highsmith, V. L.. Asper, D. Joung, Z. Zhou, L. Guo, A. M. Shiller, S. B. Joye, A. P. Teske, N. L. Guinasso Jr., T. L. Wade, and S. E. Lohrenz (2010), Characterization of subsurface polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at the Deepwater Horizon site, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L20602, doi:10.1029/2010GL045046. [pdf]
- Leslie C Bender, Norman L Guinasso, John N Walpert, Stephan D Howden (2010). A Comparison of Methods for Determining Significant Wave Heights - Applied to a 3m Discus Buoy during Hurricane Katrina, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 27(6), 1012-1028. [DOI: 10.1175/2010JTECHO724.1]
- Howden, S., Gilhousen, D., Guinasso, N. , Walpert, J., Sturgeon, M., and Bender. L. 2008. Hurricane Katrina Winds Measured by a Buoy-Mounted Sonic Anemometer, J. Atmos. Ocean Tech. 25(4),607-616.
- Campbell, L., Walpert, J.N. , and Guinasso, Jr., N. L. 2007. Buoy-based in situ optical early warning detection system for harmful algal blooms in the Gulf of Mexico, Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 133, 161-170.
- Bender III, Leslie C., Guinasso, Jr., Norman L., Walpert, John N., Lee III, Linwood L., Martin, Robert D., Hetland, Robert D., Baum, Steven K., and Howard, Matthew K. 2007. Development, Operation, and Results From the Texas Automated Buoy System, Gulf of Mexico Science, 25(1), 33–60.
- Price, J.M. Reid, M. Howard, M.K., Johnson W.R., Ji Z.G., Marshall C.F., Guinasso N. L., Rainey G.B., (2006), Preliminary assessment of an oil-spill trajectory model using satellite-tracked, oil-spill-simulating drifters, Environmental Modelling & Software, 21, 258-270.
- Vardaro, M. F. MacDonald, I. R. Bender, L. C., N. L. Guinasso, Jr.(2006), Dynamic processes observed at a gas hydrate outcropping on the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico, Geo Marine Letters, 26, 6-15.
- Powell, Brian S., Robert R. Leben, Norman L. Guinasso, Jr. (2005). Comparison of Buoy and Altimeter-derived Shelf Currents using an Optimal Operator, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 3, 192-196.
- DiMarco, S., Campbell, L. and Guinasso, N.L. (2005) A New Master's Level Certificate in Ocean Observing Systems at Texas A&M University, Marine Technology Society Journal, 39, 96-98.
- Blaha, John. P., George H. Born, Norman L. Guinasso, Jr., H. James Herring, Gregg A. Jacobs, F. J. Kelly, Robert R. Leben, Robert D. Martin, Jr., George L. Mellor, P. Peter Niiler, Michael E. Parke, Richard C. Patchen, Kenneth Schaudt, Norman W. Scheffner, C. K. Shum, Carter Ohlmann, Wilton Sturges, III, George L. Weatherly, Douglas Webb, and Henry J. White, 2000. Gulf of Mexico Ocean Monitoring System, Oceanography 13(2), 10-17.
- MacDonald, I.R., D.B. Buthman, W.W. Sager, M.B. Peccini, N.L. Guinasso, Jr. 2000. Pulsed flow of oil from a mud volcano. Geology 28(10), 907-910.
- Lewis, J. M., W. J. Martin, and N. L. Guinasso, Jr. 1997. Bowen Ratio estimates in return flow over the Gulf of Mexico. J. Geophys. Res 102(C5), 10535-10544.
- MacDonald, I. R., J. R. Reilly, Jr., S. E. Best, R. Venkataramaiah, N. L. Guinasso, Jr. and J. Amos, 1996. Remote sensing inventory of active oil seeps and chemosynthetic communities in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. in D. Schumacher and M. A. Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon Migration and its near-surface Expression, AAPG Memoir 66, 27-37.
- DiMarco, S.F., F.J. Kelly, Jun Zhang, and N.L.Guinasso, Jr. 1995. Directional wave spectra on the Louisiana-Texas shelf during Hurricane Andrew. J. Coastal Res. SI 21, 217-233.
- Lewis, J. M., W. J. Martin, and N. L. Guinasso, Jr. 1997. Bowen Ratio estimates in return flow over the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research 102(C5), 10535-10544.
- MacDonald, I. R., J. R. Reilly, Jr., S. E. Best, R. Venkataramaiah, R. Sassen, J. Amos, N. L. Guinasso, Jr., (accepted, in press) A remote sensing inventory of active oil seeps in the Gulf of Mexico, offshore Texas and Louisiana, AAPG Bull.
- DiMarco, S.F., F.J. Kelly, Jun Zhang, and N.L.Guinasso, Jr. 1995. Directional wave spectra on the Louisiana-Texas shelf during Hurricane Andrew. J. Coastal Res. SI 21, 217-233.
- MacDonald, I. R., N. L. Guinasso, Jr., J. M. Brooks, R. Sassen, and L. L. Lee III, 1995: Sea-floor gas hydrates; A video documenting oceanographic influences on their formation and dissociation. AAPG Bull., 79, 910.
- Schink, D.R. and N.L. Guinasso, Jr, 1977: Modelling the influence of bioturbation and other processes on carbonate dissolution at the sea floor. In The Fate of Fossil Fuel CO2. in the Oceans, (N.R. Andersen and A. Malahoff, eds.). 375-399.
- Guinasso, N.L., Jr. and D.R. Schink, 1975: Quantitative estimates of biological mixing rates in abyssal sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research. 80, 3032-3043.
- Schink, D.R., N.L. Guinasso, Jr., and K.A. Fanning, 1975: Processes affecting the concentration of silica at the sediment-water interface of the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research. 80, 3013-3031.
- Schink, D.R., R.L. Charnell, N.L. Guinasso, Jr., and J.J. Sigalove, 1970: Radon profiles in the sea: A measure of air-sea gas exchange. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. NS, 17, 184-193.
Additional Information
- Deputy Director, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University, 2010-2015
- Director, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University, 2005-2010
- Interim Director, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University, 2004-2005
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, 2001-present
- Deputy Director, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group (GERG), Texas A&M University, 1998-present
- Associate Director, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group (GERG), Texas A&M University, 1992-1998
- Associate Research Scientist, Oceanography, Texas A&M University, 1985-present
- Associate Research Scientist, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group (GERG), Texas A&M University, 1985-1992
- Project Scientist, U.S. Planning Office for the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, 1985-1986
- Research Associate, Oceanography, Texas A&M University, 1972-1985
- Scientist, Teledyne Isotopes, 1966-1971
Honors, Society Memberships
TAMU Council of Principal Investigators, 2007-2010; 2002 Distinguished Achievement Award, Research Scientist, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University; Advisory Committee for the Sustainable Coastal Margins Program at Texas A&M University; Honors in Physics, San Jose State College, 1966; Distinguished Graduate Student Award, Texas A&M University, Association of Former Students, 1975; American Geophysical Union; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Men of Science; Marine Technology Society; Sigma Xi; Tau Delta Phi; Earth and Sky, Advisor; National Eagle Scout Association.
Professional Interests: Observational Oceanography, Physical Oceanography, Marine Geochemistry, Sedimentology