Gopal Bera

Currently, I am involved in GOMRI funded oil spill research at GERG and working with Dr. Anthony Knap and Dr. Terry Wade. i am interested in toxic effects of oil spill on the biota, both short term and long term.
I am also interested in geochemistry of emerging anthropogenic contaminants in the environments and their impacts on ecosystem.
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- Bera, G., Yeager, K. M., Shiller, A. M. (2017), Hurricane Katrina impact on trace metal and dioxin deposition in fringing marshes of St. Louis Bay, MS. Science of the Total Environment 624 (2018) 517–529.
- T.L., Morales-McDevitt. M., Bera. G., Shia, D., Sweet. S., Wang, B., Gold. G., Quigg. A., Knap, A. (2017). A method for the production of large volumes of WAF and CEWAF for dosing mesocosms to understand marine oil snow formation. Heliyon, Vol 3(10),
- Knap, A., Turner, N. R., Bera, G., Renegar, D. A., Frank, T., Sericano, J. and Riegl, B. M. (2017), Short-term toxicity of 1-methylnaphthalene to Americamysis bahia and 5 deep-sea crustaceans. Environ Toxicol Chem. doi:10.1002/etc.3926.
- Renegar, D.A., Schuler, P., Turner, N., Dodge, R., Riegl, B. M., Knap, A., Bera, G., Jézéquel, R., Benggio, B. (2017) Tropics field study (Panama), 32-year site visit: observations and conclusions for near shore dispersant use NEBA and tradeoffs. Proceedings of International Oil Spill Conference (ABSTRACT (#2017-141).
- Ashish Pathak; Ashvini Chauhan; Jochen Blom; Karl Indest; Carina Jung; Paul Stothard; Gopal Bera; Stefan Green; Andrew Ogram. Comparative Genomics and Metabolomics Reveals Peculiar Characteristics of Rhodococcus opacus strain M213 Particularly for Naphthalene Degradation. PLOS One, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0161032, 2016.
- Bera, G., Shim, M., K. M. Yeager and A. Shiller, Anthropogenic Stable Cesium as contaminant in the water and sediment of St. Louis Bay, MS, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Volume 157, 2015, pp 32-41.
- M. Yeager, C. A. Brunner, M. A. Pulp, D. Fischer, R. A. Feagin, K. J. Schindler, J. Prouhet, and G. Bera. Significance of active growth faulting on marsh accretion processes in the lower Pearl River, Louisiana. Geomorphology, Volumes 153-154, 2012, pp 127-143.
Research Article in preparation/Submitted:
- G., Knap, A.K., Parkerton, T., Aaron Redman, Nick Turner, Abigail Renegar Sericano, J.L. Passive Dosing Yields Comparable Dissolved Aqueous Exposures of Crude Oil as CROSERF Water Accommodated Fraction Method. Under Review: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
- Bera, G., Passow, U., Doyle, S., Kamalanathan, M., Wage, T., Sylvan, J., Sericano, J., Gold, G., Quigg, A., Knap, A. Comparing microbial response to dispersed (water accommodated fraction) and dissolved fraction of oil. In prep.
Research Papers presented/published in conference:
- Bera, G., Parkerton, T., Aaron Redman, Nick Turner, Abigail Renegar Sericano, J.L; Knap, A.K. Comparing aquatic toxicity of oil: PETROTOX model vs measured. GoMRI 2018, New Orleans, USA.
- Morales-McDevitt. M., Wade. T.L., G., Shi. D., Quigg, A., Knap. A., Comparison between nutrient enhanced and ambient nutrient mesocosms in short and long term experiments. GoMRI 2018, New Orleans, USA.
- T.L., Morales-McDevitt. M., A., Knap. Shi. D., Bera. G., Quigg, A. Long Term Marine Oil Snow Experiment (LTMOSE). GoMRI 2018, New Orleans, USA.
- Knap, R. Windham, S. T. Sweet, M. Morales-McDevitt, G. Bera, P. H. Santschi, U. Passow, A. Quigg, T. L. Wade A Practical Oxygen Enrichment System for Mesocosms without Vigorous Mixing. GoMRI 2018, New Orleans, USA.
- D.A., Turner, N., Bera. G., Frank. T., Riegl. B., Knap. A., Gold. G., Sericano. J.L., Sweet. S. Lysmata wurdmanni as a proxy for deep-water column micronekton in hydrocarbon toxicity studies. GoMRI 2018, New Orleans, USA.
- Turner, N., Renegar. D.A., Bera. G., Frank. T., Riegl. B., Knap. A., Gold. G., Sericano. J.L., Sweet. S. Toxicity of oil to Americamysis bahia and deep-water column micronekton with comparisons to model predictions. GoMRI 2018, New Orleans, USA.
- G., Turner, N., Sericano. J.L., Knap. A. Comparing aquatic toxicity of oil: PETROTOX model vs measured. SETAC North America (November 2017), Minneapolis, USA.
- G., Knap. A., Sericano. J.L., Sweet. S., Gold. G., Wade. T.L. Comparing Water Accommodated Fraction (WAF) making procedures and their chemical composition. IOSC (2017), Long Beach, California, USA.
- G., Renegar. D.A., Turner, N., Frank. T., Riegl. B., Gold. G., Sericano. J.L., Sweet. S., Knap. A. Temperature and salinity effects on partitioning co-efficient (KPDMS-water) of selected hydrophobic organic carbons (HOCs): their use for passive dosing. GoMRI (2017) New Orleans.
- D.A., Turner, N., Bera. G., Frank. T., Riegl. B., Gold. G., Sericano. J.L., Sweet. S., Knap. A. Sensitivity of deep-water column micronekton to 1-methylnaphthalene. GoMRI (2017), New Orleans USA.
- G., Nolan. R., Shi. D., Bera. G., Morales-McDevitt. M., Wade. T.L., Ramirez-Miss. N., Quigg. A., Knap. A. Chlorophyll a Levels in Dichloromethane Extracts from Mesocosm Exposed to WAF, DCEWAF and CEWAF. GoMRI (2017) New Orleans.
- D., Wade. T.L., Gold. G., Sweet. S.T., Morales-McDevitt. M., Bera. G., Knap. A., Quigg. A. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Distributions of WAF, DCEWAF and CEWAF Treatments in Mesocosm Experiments. GoMRI (2017) New Orleans.
- Turner, N., Renegar. D.A., Frank. T., Riegl. B., Knap. A. G., Gold. G., Sericano. J.L., Sweet. S. Toxicity of 1-methylnaphthalene to Americamysis bahia and comparison with an established critical body burden using the target lipid model. GoMRI (2017) New Orleans.
- Morales-McDevitt. M., Knap. A., Wade. T.L., Gold. G., Sweet. S., Shi. D., G., Quigg. A Formation of Microbial Exopolymers in mesocosm experiments using coastal and open ocean waters dosed with BP Surrogate Oil and Corexit 9500A. GoMRI (2017) New Orleans.
- G., Knap. A., Sericano. J.L., Sweet. S., Wade. T.L., Gold. G., Quigg. A. Stability and chemical composition of Water Accommodated Fraction (WAF) made through three different procedures and their implication in formation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) during oil spill. ACS Regional (2016), Galveston, Texas. Oral Presentation.
- G., Nolan, R., Shi. D., Bera. G., Morales-McDevitt. M., Wade. T.L., Ramirez-Miss. N., Quigg. A., Knap. A. Chlorophyll a Levels in Dichloromethane Extracts from Mesocosm Exposed to WAF, DCEWAF and CEWAF. ACS Regional (2016), Galveston, Texas.
- Morales-McDevitt. M., Knap. A., Wade. T.L., Gold. G., Sweet. S., Shi. D., G., Quigg. A. Formation of Microbial Exopolymers in mesocosm experiments using coastal and open ocean waters dosed with BP Surrogate Oil and Corexit 9500A. ACS Regional (2016), Galveston, Texas.
- D., Wade. T.L., Gold. G., Sweet. S., Morales-McDevitt. M., Bera. G., Knap. A., Quigg. A. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) Distributions of WAF, DCEWAF and CEWAF Treatments in Mesocosm Experiments. ACS Regional (2016), Galveston, Texas.
- Bera, G., M. Shiller, and K. M. Yeager. Anthropogenic stable cesium in water and sediment of a shallow estuary, St. Louis Bay, MS. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting (International), June 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Poster presentation.
- G., A. M. Shiller, and K. M. Yeager. Speciation, delivery and fate of trace metals in St. Louis Bay, MS. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, CERF (International) 2013 (November), San Diego, California, USA. Oral Presentation.
- Bera, G., M. Yeager, and A. M. Shiller. Trace metal and dioxin deposition history in hurricane Katrina impacted marsh sediment. American Academy of Science (AAS) The Sixth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, June, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA. Abstract.
- Bera, G., and A. M. Shiller. Speciation, delivery and fate of trace metals in St. Louis Bay, MS. Mississippi Academy of Science (MAS) meeting (Regional) February, 2012, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA. Oral presentation.
- Bera, G., M. Yeager, and A. M. Shiller. Trace metal and dioxin deposition history in hurricane Katrina impacted marsh sediment. USM Graduate Student Symposium, March, 2012, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, USA. Oral Presentation.
- P. H. Santschi, R. L. Brinkmeyer, C. Hieke, P. Louchouarn, B. Johnson, S. Zhang, K. M. Yeager, K. J. Schindler, and G. Bera. Factors Regulating Microbial Degradation of Dioxins in Estuarine Sediments: Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, Texas. Researcher Conference 2008, Texas Sea Grant College Program.